Planting Science - Projects: Team Carrot
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Team Carrot

Project by group cmhsmulcaheygenbspring2023

Explore Some things I know about plants from out of school are that they require photosynthesis, they grow from sunlight and water, and there all gentile. So far have discovered vermiculite and what it does for plants. JM AS KM
Research Question We want to test the growth of plants and how much the fertilizer affects the growth of the plant. We only came up with a question because we want to know why we need the fertilizer for the plant growth. The question can only have one answer and this way we can know what It is. JM AS
Predictions The possible outcomes are that some plants could not grow at all, one or two plants could grow way bigger than the other, or all plants grow to be big plant sizes and the project goes well. I think this will happen because that is the project, this is what will happen and that’s my explanation. JM AS
Experimental Design our plan for cup A is fertilizer only and see what happens. Our plan for cub B is only going to be the seed and see what happens. Cup C we are going to add seed and a lot more water than the other two and see what happens. Each cup has a different pattern with something in it. Each cup will have water. That’s our only constant. We will record our data on a excel sheet, hard copy, and digital copy. JM AS KM
Conclusion The information I can give about this project so far is that our data did not support out claim. We claimed that we would have the fastest growing plant and our data did not support that. A possible explanation for our results were the way we watered them, maybe adding too much water or not enough along with the amount of light. Our data unfortunately did not support our claim, so this question is hard to be answered. Some future experiments we could do is add different variables to the assignment to create different outcomes. JM
Investigation Theme BRASSICA
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Brian Mulcahey
School Name Catholic Memorial High School
Session Spring 2023


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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