Planting Science - Projects: Pollination 1
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Pollination 1

Project by group ahslauerfall2016project


Explore Work on this next!
What do we know about plants from our experiences outside of school? What have we discovered in class and background research? What questions about plants interest us?
Research Question What do we want to test or study? How did we come up with the question(s). How does the question fit what we know about the topic?
Predictions What are the possible outcomes of our study given the variables we are working with? What is our explanation for why and how we think this will happen?
Experimental Design What is our plan? Be sure to include enough detail that another group can replicate our experiment. What variables will we test? What variables will we measure and observe? What variables will we keep constant? How will we record our data?
Conclusion What claim can we make from our experiment? What are possible explanations for our results? How do the data we collected and our reasoning with scientific ideas support our claim? What future experiments could be done to expand on the results of this experiment?
About this Project


Get to know your team’s scientist mentor, who will encourage and guide you through the scientific process of discovery. The more you share your ideas and research info, the more your mentor can help. You may also hear from a scientist mentor liaison who will be helping all the teams in your class.
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PlantingScience Staff
uploaded Planting Science Experiment Design 2_ILedits161116.docx in project files
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uploaded Planting Science Project Procedures 2.docx in project files
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uploaded Planting Science Essential Questions Noah.docx in project files
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joined the project
Christine Lauer

Hey Guys,

Check out the feedback on slides that Irene gave you--great, helpful stuff!

uploaded WIN_20161128_09_46_18_Pro.jpg. Updated plant 1 november 17th 2016.jpg in project files
updated plant 2 november 17th 2016.jpg in project files

I dont know if my intro updated earlier but my name is Sven and I am also a student at Alpharetta. I have been apart of this group however, i had trouble logging in


Thank you so much Irene, Natalie, and Jodi for video chatting our class last Friday! It really helped

Irene Liao
uploaded Feedback_Slides_ITL_161128.docx in project files
    Irene Liao

    Hi team,

    I've uploaded a file with LOTS of suggestions. Many of them are pretty minor and easy fixes. But as always, you can use the comments/feedback as you see fit.

    I'll try to get around to looking at the "Essential Questions" later, if you'd like feedback on that, too.

    Lastly, I really want to emphasis that I think you guys really have a grasp on the topic! The suggestions I have is to get you to try to communicate those thoughts a lot more clearly so that the readers are not making assumptions. It's something that I struggle with my own writing; my professor is always asking me the same questions that I posed to you.

    Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions!



Noah W
uploaded The Effects Of Pollination.pptx in project files
Noah W
uploaded Georgia Pollinators.docx in project files
Noah W
uploaded Planting Science Essential Questions Noah Whitridge.docx in project files
Christine Lauer

Load your powerpoint & documents

uploaded plant 1 november 17th 2016.jpg in project files
uploaded plant 2 november 17th 2016.jpg in project files
Irene Liao
uploaded Planting Science Experiment Design 2_ILedits161116.docx in project files
Noah W
uploaded Planting Science Project Procedures 2.docx, Planting Science Experiment Design 2.docx in project files
    Irene Liao

    Thanks for uploading the new files. I will upload a new file with a few minor changes soon.

    Your last line: 

    "If cross-pollinating increases how many seeds a plant produces, we will conclude that cross-pollinating is important for farming and species survival"

    Can you parse this out for me a bit more? I have a lot of questions to try to guide you to thinking about this more: 

    1) What happens if cross-pollinating does not increase the number of seeds? Can you think of reasons why this might happen?

    2) What about if there is not a difference between the two? What then?

    3) Do you think what applies to Brassica rapa (B. rapa) applies to ALL crops? Why or why not?

    4) Can you think of crops where you might want to reduce cross-pollination? Or even instances when you don't want cross-pollination? For instance, what if you have a "perfect crop" that produces a lot of seeds? Do you want to cross-pollinate (or mix) this "perfect crop" with a crop that doesn't produce as many seeds?

    5) Getting back to one of my original questions: can you think of instances when self-pollination can be beneficial? What if you don't have anything in the environment to pollinate it? What happens then?

    I like how you are thinking about applying this to agriculture (super important!), so that's awesome.

    Keep up the good work!

uploaded plant 2 november 14th 2016 2.jpg in project files
uploaded Plant 1 November 14th 2016 1.jpg in project files

Hey Irene,

Just checking in. I want to make sure that you are aware that the plants we are growing are Brassica Rapa. I want to make sure you are well aware of what we are doing here in this project. If you have any further questions just ask them here and I'll do my best to answer them.

Irene Liao
uploaded Planting Science Experiment Design_ILedits_161111.docx, Planting Science Project Procedures 1_ILedits_161111.docx in project files
Irene Liao

Hi team!

Thanks for uploading the your files! I'm planning to take a look at them over the weekend, and I'll get some comments back to you by Monday.

Thanks for the pictures as well; hope that the plants are doing well!

- Irene

Noah W
uploaded Planting Science Experiment Design.docx in project files


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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